Udělejte zázrak a vykouzlete s námi úsměv na tváři nepálských školáků
Žilo bylo jedno chudé nepálské dítě. Chtělo chodit do školy, aby celé dny nemuselo pracovat na poli a mohlo se stát učitelem nebo lékařem a dokázat se tak postarat o svou rodinu i komunitu. Jenže se narodilo do jedné z nejchudších rodin, která nemá prostředky na financování školní docházky, takže jeho touha se zdála být nesplnitelná.
Jednoho dne se však stal ZÁZRAK: dítě si vybral dobrosrdečný dárce a začal mu přispívat na to, aby se mohlo učit ve škole.
Once upon a time in Nepal there was a child who wanted to go to school instead of working in the field. His dream was to be a teacher or a doctor and he wanted to take care of his family and community. Unfortunately he was born into a very poor family which couldn't afford to pay for school and his dream seemed to be impossible.
One day a MIRACLE happened: this child was chosen by a kind-hearted donor who started to sponsor his school education.
Once upon a time in Nepal there was a child who wanted to go to school instead of working in the field. His dream was to be a teacher or a doctor and he wanted to take care of his family and community. Unfortunately he was born into a very poor family which couldn't afford to pay for school and his dream seemed to be impossible.
One day a MIRACLE happened: this child was chosen by a kind-hearted donor who started to sponsor his school education.